The estimated number of people all over the world who use social media in a year is 3.96 billion. Yes, you read that right. 3.96 billion people all congregate in the same places looking for all sorts of entertainment.
The fact that social media can be the ultimate tool to take any business to the next unimaginable level is indisputable at this point. And if you’re an escort in the adult industry not already taking advantage of this incredible leverage, then our only question to you is: what exactly are you waiting for?
The escort industry is experiencing a fresh boom and by leveraging the power of these social media websites, which you don’t even have to pay to use by the way, you are effectively claiming a large piece of the industry boom for yourself.
Leveraging Social Media as an Escort
Sadly, this isn’t the early days of social media anymore. To build a large audience you can’t just open an account and expect the audience to flow in. Luckily, things aren’t so complicated that they can’t be achieved with a little clever planning and careful execution. Below is a list of things you have to know and do to take full advantage of social media as an escort.
The Right Platform
First of all, before you even begin your social media escort journey, first you must choose the right platform to register on. There are a lot of social media platforms out there but not all of them are ideal for an escort.
Among the best options in this regard are Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter. This is because these platforms are not completely against adult content, and they have enough user base to ensure that success on them will translate to a good amount of traffic.
A Great Profile
Next stop after registering on these platforms is creating a beautiful and attractive profile. A beautiful and attractive profile is one with high-quality images, videos or interesting text detail that reveals key information about you and leaves users anxious to know and see more.
Having a great profile is also easier when you know who your target audience is. Not only does it help you choose the best platform (older audience are on Facebook, younger on Twitter and Snapchat), but it also helps you create suitable content and posts that convert.
Content is Key
Content is key, and the same truth applies to your social media activities as an escort, no matter which platform you decide to focus on.
Good content includes great images, text posts, videos, and even the inclusion of viral music and media in your posts. All of these improve your reach and ultimately lead to more followers and engagement.
Consistency and Analysis
Finally, consistency is another key ingredient of running a successful social media campaign, both as an escort and pretty much any other niche on the internet. Social media platforms and their algorithms value consistency and reward it with good reach and engagement.
Speaking of reach and engagement, it is also imperative that you analyze and study your content to discover which yields the most output so that you can consolidate and focus on these above others.